Spring Cleaning Is Not Just For The House

Spring Cleaning Is Not Just For The House

Is it just me, or did spring just pop up out of nowhere? Time certainly seems to be moving fast this go round of the new year.

While I'm doing my best to stay on trend and make sure I spring clean my house, I was wondering how often we think to do the same with our mind, body, and soul.

Seriously, I know some of us could use a reset in the way we are moving day to day. Burnout is real and just like the airlines recommend putting on your mask before you help your neighbor, it's time to put yourself first sis... or bro if I have any reading lol. We can only be our best selves when we make sure all of our needs are taken care of. Those needs may include life essentials, but sometimes they also include sitting back and chilling or filling up our self-love meter. Only you will know what you can do to best serve yourself, and you must recognize when the time comes to do you boo.

Below I have listed 5 ways to spring clean your mind:

  1. Take a walk and pray over yourself while thanking God for nature.
  2. Go on a date with yourself. My personal fave is going to the movies.
  3. Visit a farmer's market to bring home something new.
  4. Enjoy the outdoors at an adventure park or high ropes course with friends.
  5. Journal in a park. Are you surprised I recommended this? Get a blanket or sit in the car with the windows rolled down.

Whatever you choose to do, get outside and do something for yourself soon. You owe it to yourself. Plus, with the weather warming up, some fresh air can't hurt you.